December 14, 2018 Manuscript Submission Requirements Checklist Scope of the Journal Manuscript Types ACS Publishing Center Manuscript Preparation Review Ready Submission Document Templates and Format Acceptable Software, File Designations, and TeX/LaTeX Cover Letter Manuscript Text Components Supporting Information Data Requirements Language and Editing Services Preparing Graphics Figure and Illustration Services Preparing for Submission Prior Publication Policy Editorial Policies Providing Potential Reviewer Names Manuscript Transfer Production and Publication Proofs via ACS Direct Correct Publication Date and Patent Dates JAMs ASAP Publication Post-Publication Policies Sharing Your Published Article Appendix 1: Preparing for Submission Ethical Guidelines | Safety Considerations | Conflict of Interest Disclosures | Plagiarism | Author List and Coauthor Notification | ORCID | Copyright and Permissions | Funder Reporting Requirement | Open Access Compliance Appendix 2: Preparing Graphics Resolution | Size | Color | Types of Graphics | TOC/Abstract Graphic | Figures | Charts | Tables | Schemes | Chemical Structures | Cover Art | WEO 1|Page MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS CHECKLIST Author Checklist. In lieu of a cover letter, we request that authors fill out the provided Submission Cover Letter and Author Checklist. Note on all Submissions. An editorial was published on guidelines for publishing papers in JCIM: J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2015, 55, 719. Submissions should follow these guidelines. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the secure Web site at Guidelines for this method are provided here. If substantially the same manuscript has been previously submitted to this Journal or to another ACS journal, the author should include copies of the reviews with the submission and explain any revisions in the cover letter. The Editor may accept the manuscript on the basis of those reviews and author remarks or may seek additional reviews. For further inquiries contact the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Kenneth M. Merz, Jr., Department of Chemistry, Michigan State University, 578 S. Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824-1322. Phone: 517-355-9715. Fax: 517-353-7248. E-mail: SCOPE OF THE JOURNAL The Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling invites new and original contributions with the understanding that if accepted, they will not be published elsewhere. Papers reporting new methodology and/or important applications in the fields of chemical informatics or molecular modeling are appropriate for submission to this Journal. Specific topics include the representation and computerbased searching of chemical databases, molecular modeling, computer-aided molecular design of new materials, catalysts, or ligands, development of new computational methods or efficient algorithms for chemical software, and biopharmaceutical chemistry including analyses of biological activity and other issues related to drug discovery. MANUSCRIPT TYPES Viewpoints. General commentaries on current issues in the computational chemistry field, or scholarly comment on papers appearing in the Journal. Viewpoints must contain an abstract, which should provide a succinct, informative summation of the discussion. Suggested limits for Viewpoints are 2000 words, 50 words for the abstract, no more than 2 figures, and less than 10 references. Viewpoints will be rigorously editorially reviewed by at least two JCIM editors for content and the importance of the topic. Following the editorial review procedure, select articles will be sent out for peer review for final assessment according to Editors discretion. Comments on articles must raise scientific or technical questions about an article; correspondence that is mainly opinion will not be accepted. Correspondence should be submitted within six months of the 2|Page date of publication of the original article. The author(s) of the original article will be allowed to respond. Contributions may be edited for length and clarity. Articles. Full-length research manuscripts, consistent with the objectives of the Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, are the principal focus of the Journal. Authors must follow the instructions for preparation and submission given below. Perspectives. Perspectives are interpretive accounts on subjects of current interest to the JCIM community. This series is intended to be a forum for experts to present their perspectives on emerging or active areas of research. Reviews. Reviews are topical, brief, and of general interest to the JCIM community. These papers critically evaluate existing work and make the material more easily comprehendible to those not expert in the subject matter. Manus

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