Hongkong Caimore Holding Group Limited Address: Room 2105,JXM823, Trend Centre, 29-31 Cheung Lee Street, Chaiwan, Hongkong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shortcut operation for how to do a calibration of Analog input (1) Please connect the antenna, wire cable, serial port cable, power cable first, then power on the RTU. (2) Input calibration of GND 0V Please enter into the RTU’s local config website ( in IE browser. Then follow up the below steps: 1.Click “RTU--AD” option on the left bar of the page. 2.And then drag the scroll bar on the right of the page to find the “AD check” option. 3.Click “ start” button; Tel:+86 592 5901215 1 Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp Hongkong Caimore Holding Group Limited Address: Room 2105,JXM823, Trend Centre, 29-31 Cheung Lee Street, Chaiwan, Hongkong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.After a notification with “ please into GND for ad check” displayed on the pag, please plug in a special terminal that A1-A8 should be connect with AG pin by iron wire. 5. Then there will be another notification with ”please input 10v for ad check” displayed on the right page. Once you get this info, the input calibration of GND 0V have been finished. Otherwise, there maybe something wrong on the RTU’s hardware. For the details, please see as the below pictures: 1 2 3 Please ensure all of the pins (A1-A8) Tel:+86 592 5901215 2 connect with AG pin Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp 5 Hongkong Caimore Holding Group Limited Address: Room 2105,JXM823, Trend Centre, 29-31 Cheung Lee Street, Chaiwan, Hongkong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3) Input calibration of GND 10V Connect a digital power with RTU by a special terminal port wire, adjust the output voltage to 10V. Once there is a notification with “ad check success” displayed on the right page, the input calibration of GND 10V has been finished. See the picture as below: Note: The negative of digital power should be connect with AG pin, the positive one should be connect with A1-A8. (A1-A8 should be Series connection!) Tel:+86 592 5901215 3 Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp Hongkong Caimore Holding Group Limited Address: Room 2105,JXM823, Trend Centre, 29-31 Cheung Lee Street, Chaiwan, Hongkong ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tel:+86 592 5901215 4 Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp

doc文档 RTU Analog input calibration

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RTU Analog input calibration 第 1 页 RTU Analog input calibration 第 2 页 RTU Analog input calibration 第 3 页 RTU Analog input calibration 第 4 页
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