Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTU Digital Input Quick Operation Guide Catalog RTU Digital Input Quick Operation Guide........................................................1 1. RTU Cable Connection..................................................................................2 2. RTU Counter input configuration...............................................................2 2.1. RTU WEB Page configuration.............................................................2 2.1.1. Login RTU local web-based page............................................2 2.1.2. Digital input configuration.......................................................3 2.1.3. Alarming/Active reporting configuration...............................4 2.2. Configure RTU management platform.............................................7 2.2.1. Configure RTU server................................................................7 2.2.2. Setting RTU Identity..................................................................7 2.2.3. Login to RTU software management platform.....................8 2.2.4. Register RTU ID..........................................................................8 2.2.5. Setting connected interface....................................................8 2.2.6. Digital input parameters configuration.................................9 2.2.7. Alarming/Active reporting configuration.............................10 2.2.8. Alarming query /Active reporting query configuration.....11 3. Remote control the digital input on RTU management platform.......12 3.1. Enter into RTU management platform...........................................12 3.2. Configuration Digital input..............................................................12 Appendix 1: Indicator description..................................................................13 Appendix 2: Faulty analysis.............................................................................14 4.1. Power indicator is of........................................................................14 4.2. Online indicator is of.......................................................................14 4.3. ACT indicator is of............................................................................14 4.4. All the indicators are normal, but it still can not to communicated.............................................................................................14 4.5. Too slowly to enter into RTU WEB page........................................14 Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:1 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. RTU Cable Connection 1. SIM card slot: Please ensure the RTU is powered off before pulling or plunging SIM card; 2. Power wire (PWR——black with white,GND——black); 3. RS232(D/RX——blue,D/TX——brown,GND——black): Please use this RS232 serial port to connect PC; USD forwarder to RS232 can be instead of if there is no RS232 serial port on PC; 4. The cable connected to PC; 5. Digital input DIG (same as counter input) and 8 digital inputs ( low level input range from 0-3.3V, high level input range from 5-24V). Those 6 roads inputs can be valued as counter inputs (the counter frequency is 1KHZ) or digital input DIG. 6. 2G/3G/4G antenna; Please power on RTU after connection. 2. RTU Digital input configuration 2.1. RTU WEB Page configuration 2.1.1. Login RTU local web-based page Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:2 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Open the browser and enter into the default IP address:; then fill in account name: admin, password: admin。 2. To choose English version on the left; 3. RTU IP address: Please change RTU’s IP address to avoid conflicts when you use cable connect RTU with digital. 2.1.2. Digital input configuration Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:3 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,Chi

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