Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTU Relay output function Quick Operation Guide 1. RTU Cable Connection Please connect RTU to PC according to following steps first. 1. SIM card slot: Please ensure the RTU is powered off before pulling or plunging SIM card. 2. Power wire (PWR——black with white,GND——black); 3. RS232(D/RX——blue,D/TX——brown,GND——black): Please use this RS232 serial port to connect PC; USD forwarder to RS232 can be instead of if there is no RS232 serial port on PC. 4. To connect the cable to PC; 5. 4 reply outputs that connect with the other device; 6. 2G/3G/4G antenna; Please power on RTU after connection. 2. Enable RTU replay function 2.1 Enable RTU reply function on RTU local web-based page 2.1.1 Login RTU local web-based page Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:1 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Open the browser and enter into the default IP address:; then fill in account name: admin, password: admin。 2. To choose English version on the left; 3. RTU IP address: Please change RTU’s IP address to avoid conflicts when you use cable connect RTU with switch. 2.1.2 1. Enable Relay function Click “PWM/Relay” option on the left menu bar; Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:2 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. Choose “Yes” from drop-down box of “Enable” to enable relay function; 3. Click “Apply” to finish, then power off RTU first and power on again to reboot, or click “ reboot”, which is on the top right of this page. 2.2 Enable Replay Function On RTU Software Management Platform 2.2.1 Configure RTU server Click “ RTU-->Sever” on the left menu bar, see as below picture. Click “Edit”; Setting the parameters of RTU sever as below: NO.: The number of server IP address Sever IP address: To enter RTU server’s IP address: (Caimore RTU management platform) Port number:18000, Data center protocol: RTU management platform; Enable server: select”YES” 4. Click “Apply” to finish. 1. 2. 3. 2.2.2 Setting RTU Identity Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:3 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. RTU ID: To enter the distribute ID No. ( i.e: 71). This ID can be got after registering on RTU software management platform, if there is no distribute ID. 2. Click “Apply” to finish, then power off RTU first and then reboot it again. 2.2.3 Login to RTU software management platform Enter the RTU software management platform’s IP address into the browser: , filled the user name and password that be distributed by Caimore to enter into the RTU software management platform. 1. Please push F5 or click “Home” or right click “home” to select “reload” to refresh continuously, till the icon of the relative RTU ID turn to green; 2. Select the relative RTU ID. 2.2.4 Enter into the page of remote configure relay output, see as follow: Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:4 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.2.5 Configure Relay output 1. Click “ Synchronize configuration”, which will at least to synchronize configuration once enter into this platform. 2. To enable the replay output function. 3. Save the configuration parameters 4. To upload the configuration parameters or enter into RTU web-based management platform to ensure success. Note: the ball window will close automatically during the configuration. We don’t suggest you to confirm it by manual. 2.2.6 Setting connected interface (1st Relay) 1. 2. 3. 4. Click “Resource Alias”; Click “+” on replay output row; Name each re

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