Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp Contact:Peter Zhang Email: sales10@caimore.com 3G 4G Video Surveillance On Tunnel Tunnel HD monitoring system is mainly used for the center attendant to monitor the whole range of traffic operating conditions on the entire tunnels, approach roads, ramps and crossings, and assist attendant to direct traffic. It provides comprehensive, intuitive monitoring tools for tunnel traffic management. In the event of any emergency, it provides intuitive and effective help for keeping abreast of the situation on-site disaster and evacuation of passengers and conductor to ensure that personnel, vehicles and safety of the tunnel. This system has real-time, visual observation effect, provides an intuitive real-time data for the tunnel operations management, it is very obvious effect to confirm traffic accidents and fires, to guide and direct relief operations management , which is necessary for long tunnel system. System Introduction System consists of front-end device which produces an image signal, megapixels HD cameras, rotate 360 degrees HD PTZ cameras, 3G/4G video recorder (MNVR), keyboard, HD monitors 1.Front-end device includes the 3 million-pixel HD camera, rotate 360 degrees HD PTZ cameras 2.Transmission of this system is established based on wireless 3G/4G data network transmission of tunnel system, based on Caimore HD network video recorder(MNVR) for intelligent video surveillance system 3.The System Center management platform integrates large screen projection system, video workstations, Central computer control system and various monitors Main Function 1).On the one hand the system provide manager with video surveillance on each side through central computer control system, on the other hand to control the video signal of digitized editing, storage and display. Workstations networked with the central monitoring computer syste m receives a variety of linkage information from the fire alarm system, traffic monitoring systems, emergency telephone systems and alarm information and responds. 2)by software set monitoring mode, the linkage information from other systems or administrator to issue commands through the control console to start the video system switch, switching the corresponding images taken from the camera to the detailed monitor for observation and digital storage. All Images from all cameras are super-positioned and marked with date and time information, and recorded into a 3G/4G network video recorder (MNVR), in order to record and retrieve some time 3)System with automatic switching, cycling and track display images, long distance remote rotate 360 degrees PTZ HD cameras and other functions 4)Traffic flow detection is an integral pat of traffic monitoring system, this system collects all kinds of traffic operational information in real-time in tunnel important position (tunnel cave entrances, the main road and former ramp intersection and before cross hole) to monitor traffic flow changes and offer reference guide for central control center to control traffic, and by Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Web: www.caimore.com/emain.asp Contact:Peter Zhang Email: sales10@caimore.com incorporating real-time image monitoring to give traffic control commands. In the event of a traffic accident, to take timely measures to clear the obstruction, to smooth traffic, and to reduce vehicle queues, reaching the purpose of unimpeded traffic line. Accident information can be automatically determined and alarmed by the traffic flow detection system, and finally get by the person’s confirmation , but also to collect through emergency call indication, alarm call and the patrol car . Topology Features 1. Reliability and security for both guard person and electric device&monitor system. 2. High speed data transmission and real time monitoring from front end to center. 3. The entire query and statistics for real time data analysis and running status on different period and sites to ensure the as long as 3 months data record storage and history record check. 4. Secured VPN (PPTP, L2TP, IPsec, Gre and Openvpn)for encrypted data. 5. Tunnel video surveillance system to take whole sections of the tunnel completely blind spot visibility monitoring. Why CAIMORE Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.

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