TCB TCB GRANT OF EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION Certification Issued Under the Authority of the Federal Communications Commission By: Telefication B.V. Edisonstraat 12a Zevenaar, NL-6902 PK Netherlands Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Limited 7th Floor, Hongye Building, No.1801 Hongmei Road, Xuhui District Shanghai, 200233 China Date of Grant: 05/04/2018 Application Dated: 05/04/2018 Attention: Johnny xiang NOT TRANSFERABLE EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION is hereby issued to the named GRANTEE, and is VALID ONLY for the equipment identified hereon for use under the Commission's Rules and Regulations listed below. FCC IDENTIFIER: Name of Grantee: Equipment Class: Notes: Modular Type: Grant Notes XMR201805EC25AU Quectel Wireless Solutions Company Limited PCS Licensed Transmitter LTE Module Single Modular Frequency FCC Rule Parts Range (MHZ) 22H 824.2 - 848.8 22H 824.2 - 848.8 22H 826.4 - 846.6 22H 824.7 - 848.3 22H 824.7 - 848.3 22H 824.7 - 848.3 22H 824.7 - 848.3 24E 1850.2 - 1909.8 24E 1850.2 - 1909.8 24E 1852.4 - 1907.6 24E 1850.7 - 1909.3 24E 1850.7 - 1909.3 24E 1850.7 - 1909.3 24E 1850.7 - 1909.3 27 1710.7 - 1754.3 27 1710.7 - 1754.3 27 2502.5 - 2567.5 27 2502.5 - 2567.5 Output Watts 1.25 0.311 0.109 0.115 0.113 0.111 0.109 0.778 0.194 0.242 0.228 0.223 0.222 0.217 0.308 0.298 0.614 0.592 Frequency Emission Tolerance Designator 0.0098 PM 246KGXW 0.0055 PM 245KG7W 0.0048 PM 4M13F9W 0.0077 PM 4M53G7D 0.0077 PM 9M05G7D 0.0055 PM 4M53W7D 0.0055 PM 9M04W7D 0.0041 PM 249KGXW 0.0018 PM 245KG7W 0.0029 PM 4M13F9W 0.0029 PM 13M5G7D 0.0029 PM 17M9G7D 0.0037 PM 13M5W7D 0.0037 PM 17M9W7D 0.0023 PM 17M9G7D 0.0023 PM 17M9W7D 0.0014 PM 17M9G7D 0.0014 PM 17M9W7D Modular Approval. Power output listed is conducted. This grant is valid only when the module is sold to OEM integrators and must be installed by the OEM or OEM integrators. The antennas used for this transmitter as shown in this filing must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users may not be provided with the module installation instructions. OEM integrators and end-users must be provided with transmitter operating conditions for satisfying RF exposure compliance. Certificate No.: 182180550/AA/00 Mohammad Elhaj Product Assessor

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