1. Push Resume Dear, 超级管理员 has pushed Resume ID:171013041,171013042,171013043 to you. Please login the HRM system to see the details.。 2. Push Remind Hi,编号为 180116001,180116002 的简历您还未查看,请登录系统进行相关操作。 3. Invite you to communicate first Dear, You have just performed operation:"Please HR first telephone communication" on resume with ID 180116046 in HRM System. Mail sending object:hr_zp@crownbio.com;hr_r@crownbio.com;. 4. Has been feedback back to the department Dear all, I have had telephone conversations with the candidate, resume ID 180116046 ,please login HRM system for more details. 5. Resume Reply Dear, You have just performed operation:"To be determined" on resume with ID 180116005 in HRM System. Mail sending object:hr_zp@crownbio.com;hr_r@crownbio.com;. 6. Resume Reply Dear, You have just performed operation:"NotConsider" on resume with ID 180116004 in HRM System. Mail sending object:hr_zp@crownbio.com;hr_r@crownbio.com;. 7. Please arrange an interview Dear Sir/Madam, 您刚刚在 HRM 系统中对简历编号为:180116003 进行了 ‘Please arrange an interview’的操作,邮件发送对象: hr_zp@crownbio.com;hr_r@crownbio.com; 8. Interview details Hi : hr_r invite you to join 林佑融's interview. Interview details are as follows: Resume ID: 180116001 Participants:qusongmei,wei.huang,lidan interview time:2018-01-24 10:55 Interview site:11 9. Hr hire notice Hi,Hr feel resume ID: 180116003 for your department, Please login HRM systemSet up the head and perform hiring operation. 10. Headcount Approve Result Dear, The headcount you applied recently received feedback, the headcount has been approved by hr_r. Please login HRM system for more details. 11. Hiring Annonce Dear, You have just performed operation:"Hiring" on resume with ID 180116016 in HRM System. Mail sending object:hr_zp@crownbio.com;hr_r@crownbio.com;. 12. Hire Approve lidanhas approved the resume which ID is. Please log in to the HRM system for related operations. 13. Hire Approve You have approved the resume which ID is

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