R2XM111125021-03 TEST REPORT EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011+A12:2011 Safety of information technology equipment Part 1-General requirements Report reference No . ....................... : R2XM111125021-03 Compiled by (+ signature) ............... : Ryan Zhang …………………………. Approved by (+ signature) ............... : Safety Engineer: Jeanne Han ………………………… Date of issue .................................... : 2012-03-12 Testing laboratory ............................ : Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) Address ........................................... : 6/F, the 3rd Phase of WanLi Industrial Building, ShiHua Road, FuTian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P.R.China Testing location ............................... : As above Applicant1 ........................................ : Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. Address ........................................... : 6/F,No.19 Wanghai Road,Software Park2,Siming District,Xiamen Applicant2 ........................................ : --- Address ........................................... : --- Standard ........................................... : EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:2010+A12:2011 Test sample(s) received...................: 2011-11-29 Test in period....................................: 2012-03-05 To 2012-03-07 Procedure deviation ......................... : N.A. Non-standard test method ............... : N.A. This test report is for the customer shown above and their specific product only. It may not be duplicated or used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen). This report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the Federal Government. Type of test object ........................... : 3G Router Trademark ....................................... : caimore Model/type reference ......................: CM8150R,CM8150R+, CM8155R,CM8155R+,CM8150G,CM8150G+. Manufacturer.................... ................ : Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. Address ............................................ : 6/F,No.19 Wanghai Road,Software Park2,Siming District,Xiamen Rating ............................................... : Use with specific adapter output :DC9V Page 1 of 44 1.5A R2XM111125021-03 Copy of marking plate(For example) 3G Router Model: CM8105R Rating: Use with specific adapter output: 9V Serial No.:xxxxx 1.5A Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. Made in China Note:other model number is alternative on the lable. Test item particulars………………………..........................:See General Product Information Equipment mobility .................................................... : Removable equipment Connection to the mains ............................................ : No direct connection to mains(By an approved adapter connected to mains) Operating condition ................................................... : Continuous Mains supply tolerance (%) ....................................... : N/A Class of equipment ................................................... : Class III Laser or LED lamp Classification .............................. : Exempt group(LED indicator) Max. Specified ambient temperature(℃) ................. : 75℃ Mass of equipment (kg) ............................................. : Approx 0.452kg(except adapter) Pollution degree ........................................................ : Pollution degree 2 IP protection class .................................................... : IP20 Possible test case verdicts: -test case does not apply to the test object................:N(.A.) -test object does meet the requirement.......................P(ass) -test object does not meet the requirement.................F(ail) General remarks: ”(see remark #)” refers to a remark appended to the report. (see appended table)” refers to a table appended to the report. Throughout this report a comma is used as the decimal separator. The test results presented in this report relate only to the object tested. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of the testing laboratory. Page 2 of 44 R2XM111125021-03 General product information: 1) Description of the product 1.1 The product tested with model name CM8150R is a 3G Router for indoor use only and supplied by an approval power adapter. 1.2 The EUT consists of -

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