TCB TCB GRANT OF EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION Certification Issued Under the Authority of the Federal Communications Commission By: Eurofins Product Service GmbH Storkower Strasse 38c D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany Date of Grant: 11/26/2018 Application Dated: 11/26/2018 Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. #2 of 302 Unit, 23# Wanghai Road, Xiamen Software Park II, Xiamen, China Attention: Congling zou NOT TRANSFERABLE EQUIPMENT AUTHORIZATION is hereby issued to the named GRANTEE, and is VALID ONLY for the equipment identified hereon for use under the Commission's Rules and Regulations listed below. FCC IDENTIFIER: Name of Grantee:  Equipment Class: Notes: Grant Notes 41 2ARILCM520-8AF Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. Digital Transmission System Wireless Router FCC Rule Parts 15C Frequency Range (MHZ) 2412.0 - 2462.0 Output Watts 0.023 Frequency Tolerance   Emission Designator Power listed is conducted. This device supports 20 and 40MHz bandwidth operation. 41: Installation of this device must not be readily accessable to human subjects closer than 20 cm. 1 of 1

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