T: 0086-755-2908 1955 F: 0086-755-2600 8484 E-mail: agc@agc-cert.com Web: Http://www.agc-cert.com Recognized by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment &Taiwan Accreditation Foundation 2F., Building 2, No.1-No.4, ChaxiSanwei Technical Industrial Park, Gushu, Xixiang Street Baoan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China (518000) EU-RED Certificate of Conformity Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU Registration No. AGC04151180901E0 Applicant Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. #2 of 302 Unit, 23# Wanghai Road, Xiamen Software Park II, Xiamen, China Product Designation Brand Name Model / Series Models Manufacturer Wireless Router CAIMORE CM520-8AF, CM520-87F, CM520-86F, CM520-89F, CM520-91F CM520-8VF, CM520-8BF, CM520-8CF, CM520-61F, CM520 Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. #2 of 302 Unit, 23# Wanghai Road, Xiamen Software Park II, Xiamen, China Requirement Applied Standards Document Evidence Result Art.3.1(a) Health EN 62311:2008 Test Report: AGC04151180901EH03 Conform Art.3.1(a) Safety EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009 +A1:2010+A12:2011+A2:2013 Test Report: AGC04151180901ES01 Conform Art.3.1(b) EMC Draft EN 301 489-1 V2.2.0 Draft EN 301 489-17 V3.2.0 Draft EN 301 489-19 V2.1.0 Draft EN 301 489-52 V1.1.0 Test Report: AGC04151180901EE01 Conform Test Report: AGC04151180901EE05 Conform Test Report: AGC04151180901EE06 Conform Test Report: AGC04151180901EE10 Conform Art.3.2 Radio EN 303 413 V1.1.1 EN 301 908-1 V11.1.1 EN 301 908-13 V11.1.2 Signed by Quality Manager Issue Date: Nov. 15, 2018 Recognized by Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., in accordance with the RED Directive 2014/53/EU. The certificate doesn’t imply assessment of the production. The Applicant of the certificate is authorized to use this certificate in connection with EC declaration of conformity to the Directive. The certificate is only applicable to the equipments described above. This certificate shall not be re-produced except in full without the written approval of Attestation of Global Compliance (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Note: This certificate is part of the full test report(s) and should be used in conjunction with it. Version: 2.0

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