Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Contact person: Cynthia Wang E-mail: sales09@caimore.com Skype: caimoremodem Mobile phone: +86-13720875034 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Xiamen Caimore’s RTU applied in charging pile solution based on wireless monitoring technology Key words: Wireless RTU; Industrial RTU; Charging-pile; New; New energy; Internet + 1. Charging pile Charging pile is a power plant of new energy-powered vehicles, which is similar to the tanker of gas station. Each charging pile is equipped with charging plug for kinds of electric vehicle’s charging, according to different voltage levels. Electric car charging pile uses AC, DC power supply. After brushing up the charge cards, charging pile will display charging capacity, charge time, expense and other data, and then print documents to achieve timing charging and metering charging. Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:1 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Contact person: Cynthia Wang E-mail: sales09@caimore.com Skype: caimoremodem Mobile phone: +86-13720875034 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Application Prospect Since charging pile’s function is similar to tanker, this particularity purposes determine its constructions is characterized by multiple measured points, dispersion, wide coverage, long communication distance, and need to focus on management. With the rapid development of new energy vehicles, it request more flexibility and scalability network topology structure. Therefore, it need to consider the following issues when you choose the communication mode of electric car charging pile. (1) The reliability of communication--the communication system need to withstand the harsh environment of long-term and strong electromagnetic interference or noise, and to maintain the smooth flow of communication. (2) Construction costs--it need to consider the construction cost, long-term using and maintenance cost in meeting the reliability of premise. (3) Bi-directional communication --it is not only to achieve the amount of information uploaded, but also to achieve a controlled amount of release. (4) Multi-service data transfer rate--with the growing volume of terminal business in future, the communication between the master station and the sub-station or sub-station to the terminal communication, will have a high request on multi-service data transfer rates (5) Communication flexibility and scalability--due to the characteristics of multi-surface control point, wide and dispersed surface, charging pile will use a standard communication protocol. With the growing business of electric power operation and “ALL IP” network technology’s development, IPbased services need to be considered bearer, and also require to facilitate the installation and construction, commissioning, operation and maintenance. Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:2 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Contact person: Cynthia Wang E-mail: sales09@caimore.com Skype: caimoremodem Mobile phone: +86-13720875034 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Communication mode Electric car charging pile belongs to the distribution network side, their means of communication and distribution automation are often considered together. Communication is a key and difficult point of distribution automation. Different regions and conditions will lead to various communication application; specific to the electric car charging pile, its communication mode are wired and wireless: (1) Wired communication Wired communication: wired ethernet(RJ45 cable, optical fiber), industrial serial bus cable (RS485, RS232, CAN bus wire) The main advantages of wired Ethernet are reliable data transmission, large network capacity; the disadvantages are wiring complexity, poor scalability and high construction costs, inflexible. Industrial serial bus’s (RS485, RS232, CAN bus) advantages are reliable data transmission, simple design; the disadvantages are complex distribution network, poor scalability and high construction costs, inflexible, low tr

doc文档 Xiamen Caimore’s RTU applied in charging pile solution based on wireless monitoring technology-cynthia

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Xiamen Caimore’s RTU applied in charging pile solution based on wireless monitoring technology-cynthia  第 1 页 Xiamen Caimore’s RTU applied in charging pile solution based on wireless monitoring technology-cynthia  第 2 页 Xiamen Caimore’s RTU applied in charging pile solution based on wireless monitoring technology-cynthia  第 3 页 Xiamen Caimore’s RTU applied in charging pile solution based on wireless monitoring technology-cynthia  第 4 页 Xiamen Caimore’s RTU applied in charging pile solution based on wireless monitoring technology-cynthia  第 5 页
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