Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Contact person: Cynthia Wang E-mail: sales09@caimore.com Skype: caimoremodem Mobile phone: +86-13720875034 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vending Machine Wireless Management Solution Based On 3G/4G Industrial Router With the rapid development of e-commerce, vending machine industry has been enter into a booming era. As the terminal of e-commerce business, vending machine has provided a much convenient place for consumer to buy goods, due to the application of networking and M2M technology in modern logistic industry. 1. I n d u s tr y Background Breif Vending machine is a automatic consignor machine according to the coins be put into, which is a very commonly commercial automatic device without the limitation of time and place, and save labor and easy to transaction. It is a new retail form, also known as the 24-hour mini-supermarket, that can be divided into four categories. Such as beverage vending machine, food vending machine, adult supplies vending machines and integrated vending machines. 2. Caimore vending machine wireless management system Caimore vending machine wireless management system is consisted of vending machine, router and third-party M2M cloud management platform. Wherein, vending machine terminal includes a read controller, electronic locks, and storage cabinet. People can purchase the required goods at any time through vending machine. Caimore CM520-8X router can built up a high speed; stable networking and data transmission channel for vending machine, and then transfers all the data back to enterprise cloud server, so that the enterprise can analysis the business and do some operation. Meanwhile, the operating enterprise can remote supervised the running state of the vending machines, which are dispersed in different locations, in order to reduce the cost of operation and maintenance. Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:1 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Contact person: Cynthia Wang E-mail: sales09@caimore.com Skype: caimoremodem Mobile phone: +86-13720875034 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System structure and main functions: 1. To implement real-time information sharing among vending machine, ecommercial company and customer, and high efficient distribution. 2. To realize “24 hours” delivery service, and upload all the real time information to enterprise cloud server. 3. To linke vending machine terminal with e-commerical, courier companies, networking company, UnionPay, and property, in order to exchange the lots of data. 4. To achieve the centralized management of distributed vending machine terminal, and real-time control the running status, in order to rapid reduce the courier’s business operation cost, and improve the service quality and operating efficiency of operators. Tel:+86 592 5901215 Web:2 www.caimore.com/emain.asp Xiamen Caimore Communication Technology Co.,Ltd 2 F, 37#, Wanghai Road, Software Park 2, Xiamen,China (361009) Contact person: Cynthia Wang E-mail: sales09@caimore.com Skype: caimoremodem Mobile phone: +86-13720875034 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5. The reliable operational data reports provide a decisioin-making basis for operators to improve the information level of logistics industry, and promote the rapid development and the community-based’s quick distribution. 6. Site video monintoring, image capture, view the each positioning’s capture pictures in order to storage the video evidence of man-made damage to the vending machine. 7. Wireless router communicated by wireless networking, absolve the wiring problems and environment factors. As long as the single of cell phone is nomal, it can access into network automaticly with the advantage of installation easily and flexibly. According to simply web page configuration, wireless router can dial-up automatically and send out the connection request, and rapid to link with the web-basid router management platform easily. System core product: This system’s core device is CM520-8X 3G/4G wireless router, which can build up a transmission channel between vending machine and enterprise seri

doc文档 Vending Machine Wireless Management Solution Based On 3G4G Industrial Router

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Vending Machine Wireless Management Solution Based On 3G4G Industrial Router  第 1 页 Vending Machine Wireless Management Solution Based On 3G4G Industrial Router  第 2 页 Vending Machine Wireless Management Solution Based On 3G4G Industrial Router  第 3 页 Vending Machine Wireless Management Solution Based On 3G4G Industrial Router  第 4 页
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